Issue 5 - Summer 2020

Out Now

Hinterland is a quarterly, print and digital magazine dedicated to the very best new creative non-fiction writing.

This Summer issue celebrates the start of Hinterland’s second year of publication in the only way we know how: by continuing to explore the very hinterlands of creative non-fiction. To that end, this issue features an extract of a work in progress from Ian Thomson that interweaves personal biography with a wider history of refugees, as well as the latest non-fiction from the Netherlands by Nina Polak in a new translation by Emma Rault, alongside a stand-out selection of memoir, essay, flash non-fiction, ekphrasis, psychoscape and much more.

Issue 5 is out now, either direct from our webstore or from all good bookshops.

Issue 5 also includes:

  • Lily Dunn revisits the nights spent dancing, and waiting, in Waiting for God

  • In The Places We Return To, Cecily Blench takes us back to childhood holidays and habits

  • Jennifer Y. Montgomery recalls her mother’s beautiful silk scarf and the trauma it came to embody in The Red Scarf

  • Laura Steiner offers up thanks to the strangers who helped her through a painful breakup in Friends for a Day

  • In Lessons from the Western Front Peter Pool revisits his time spent as an educator in Sierra Leone

  • Hannah Storm explores the painful impact of trauma through personal memories in Aftershocks

  • Margaret Hedderman introduces us to the pioneering botanist Elzada Clover in The Domain of Courageous Men

And more: through our Ekphrasis feature Ian Seed evokes Joe Brainard, and we feature new nature writing by Rob Atkinson.